Home healthcare matters, now more than ever
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is presenting a difficult situation for all of us, but especially for older adults and people with chronic conditions who are most vulnerable to the virus.
We here at Caring Professionals Home Care are doing everything we can to keep our patients, clinicians, and communities safe and healthy.
Caring Professionals Home Care makes it possible for patients to continue to receive the care they need to manage existing medical conditions, while at the same time adhere to the best practices needed to curb the spread of the disease.
We strongly believe that home health is one of the safest ways to deliver healthcare to our patients during this time. In-home care can help patients stay where they live instead of having to be admitted to hospitals or rehab facilities where there is a greater risk of exposure.
We are taking every possible precaution to protect our patients, their caregivers and our clinicians from the spread of the virus:
- We have restricted access to our office for visitors and clinicians.
- Caring Professionals staff is no longer making non-urgent visits to outside facilities, hospitals. and doctor’s offices in order to limit our exposure.
- We are employing the use of telehealth technology when appropriate.
- We are conducting risk assessments on every patient who is referred to our service or currently on our service.
- We have provided updated training on infectious disease control to all of our employees.
- Caring Professionals is proving washable cloth facemasks to all patients who need them.
You can count on us to remain vigilant during this challenging time. We are 100% committed to you and your loved ones.
COVID-19 Prevention Tips
We are all in the fight against COVID-19, and together we can make sure that we reduce the risk of infection. You can do so by taking the following steps:
- Wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Your Caring Professionals Home Care nurse can help with tips.
- Do not have unnecessary visitors over to your home.
- Clean all frequently-touched surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, toilets, phones, and bedside tables often.
- If you use disposable gloves, face masks, or other contaminated items, place them in a lined container before disposing other household waste. Clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer immediately after handling these items.
- Avoid sharing household items with others including dishes, drinking glasses, utensils, towels, and bedding.
- Contact Caring Professionals and your physician immediately if you experience a change in your condition such as a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, especially if not typical for you.
- Contact your local health department and our office should you have any confirmed interaction with individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19.
If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to give us a call at (773) 588-5700 or contact us online and we will do everything we can to help.
Useful links
Be sure to stay informed and up to date by visiting these pages:
- Information on COVID-19 from the CDC
- Information on COVID-19 from the Illinois Department of Public Health
- COVID-19 testing locations in Illinois